Address: Chapel Street, Thornton, BRADFORD, BD13 3JR [map]
Link Minister: Rev Phil Drake
Membership: 20
Sunday Service:
- 10.30 am Morning worship
Christmas Services:
- 10th December 10.30am Christingle Service
- Christmas Day 9.30am Christmas Worship
Thornton Methodist Church is located in the historic village of Thornton the birth place of the famous Bronte sisters.
Our current Church building is incorporated in a sheltered housing complex and was opened in 1986.
We have a very friendly and welcoming congregation which includes a number of children who love to share in worship.
Our Fellowship Group meets fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons to listen to guest speakers and to socialise.
The Art Group meet on Tuesday Evenings.
We have a small Bible Study group who meet fortnightly usually on Wednesday evenings.
We hold a number of social events throughout the year which include coffee mornings, Craft Fairs and Table Top sales.
We enjoy responding to Bible stories, Church seasons and village events and you may see some of our work in the Church window or if you come to a coffee morning.