
Be Joyful In Hope, Patient In Affliction, Faithful In Prayer

Prayer is an important part of Christian living as it helps us to build our relationship with God; however, it is not always easy to pray, and sometimes God may answer our prayers in unexpected ways.

Prayer was at the heart of all our deliberations as we considered forming our new circuit; and it continues to be so as we move forward in faith. We are grateful to Roy Lorrain-Smith for developing a Circuit prayer network and for providing our monthly prayer column with a short reflection and weekly prayers for the month.

Prayer Resources

Circuit Online Prayer Group

Prayer Zoom on Wednesday afternoons is taking a break for the summer and will be back on the 11 Sep 2024  at 1.30 with a new theme of, ‘Seeing much fruit!’. Look out for more details nearer the time! Please contact Rhona North for more info about how your beautiful prayers, audible or silent,  can be used to build God’s Kingdom in our Circuit. Happy summer prayer times to you all🙏🏻

You are very welcome to join us on Zoom between 1.30 and 2.30 pm each Wednesday – use the prayer request below to ask for the link.

Bradford North Prayer Zoom starts on Wednesday 10th January 2024, looking at getting closer to God this time through the Wesley Covenant Prayer. Come and join us when you can and enjoy the fellowship. There is no need to pray out loud; enjoy the teaching and prayer!

If you missed the prayer course led by Rhona, you can follow it on your own from

How Do I Pray?

We all pray in different ways, in different places and at different times. gives suggestions for how to get started.

How do I pray?

Circuit Prayer

Encircling God,
we pray for the unity of our circuit,
may a spirit of co-operation grow and flourish
between all the churches.

Loving God,
may there be a bond of love between the churches,
that everyone will feel a concern for each other,
no matter to which church they belong.

Empowering God,
may your Holy Spirit enable and direct all that we do,
so that in all things your mission might be ours.

Grant us a wider vision
so that we may be more effective channels of your love in our communities.
In the name of Christ,

Available to buy at Eden

Prayer Request

If you would like us to pray for you or those you know, to join the Prayer Network / Zoom prayer group, or to have the prayer column emailed to you each month, you can either email or complete this prayer request form: