Northcliffe LEP

Local Ecumenical Partnership: Methodist / United Reformed

Address: Bradford Road, SHIPLEY, BD18 3ED [map]


Membership: 36

Link Minister: Rev Lisa Quarmby

Sunday Service:

  • 10.30 am Sunday Morning Worship.

Northcliffe is a partnership formed from Shipley United Reformed Church and Hall Royd Methodists. We are a welcoming church with people from 1 to 90+ years. An active Sunday school meets through the year, (except in the Summer Holidays.) Several groups use our buildings, some are connected to the church.

We meet for worship at 10.30 am on 2nd, 4th and any 5th Sunday in the month. Some services are led by ministers, others by local, lay preachers.

Anybody and everybody is welcome to join us at worship.

We have been granted a Child Friendly Church Award by the URC and are part of the Additional Needs Alliance

Our building is wheelchair accessible, has a hearing loop in the church and has accessible toilets on each floor. 

Five times per year we hold inclusive “ALL, Together” services welcoming all ages and abilities to join in PRAISING, MAKING and SHARING.

We are home to Hall Royd Band and the thriving 4th Shipley Brownies, Guides and Rangers.

Regular activities at Northcliffe include:

  • Table Tennis
  • Ladies Keep Fit
  • The Bradford Chorale rehearsals
  • Parents, Carers and Toddler group
  • Fiddle’n’Feet Appalachian Dance group
  • Taekwondo
  • Bradford Talking Telegraph
  • Weight Watchers wellness group

Our Mission Statement:

Called by the Holy Spirit to share the Good News of Jesus in word and action.

We believe that God loves everyone with no exceptions.