Whoever Wants To Be My Disciple Must Deny Themselves And Take Up Their Cross And Follow Me.
To herald the start of a new Methodist Year, we are embarking on a time of engagement with Jesus Shaped People. For some, it will be a time of re-visiting, for others, it will be a new adventure. Wherever you are starting, we hope you will journey us.
Jesus Shaped People will be the focus of our Sunday virtual worship and will be accompanied by additional materials prepared by the the Circuit’s Spirituality Group for you to use on your own at home, to have a deeper experience of one aspect of the themes each week.
As we begin our time looking at Jesus Shaped People, some will choose to simply go with the flow but to be fully part of what will happen over the next seven Sundays, and in the time in between, we urge you as individuals, small groups or as church communities to consider:
What do we want from this time of exploring what it means to be Jesus-Shaped People?
What do we want to bring to God of our walk with him thus far?
What do we want God to show us or teach us? How do we want to change as people – as churches – as circuit?
How do we want to become more Jesus-Shaped?
May you be blessed on your Jesus Shaped People journey.
The Teaching Of Jesus.
Week 3 – 20 September 2020.
The Journey To Jerusalem
Week 4 – 27 September 2020.